Sports and recovery from it, are the sum of many factors. Generally, the best results are achieved by loading the body in appropriate amounts, both in everyday life and in connection with training. Of course, individual factors affect the amount of load, per training session, and in terms of training, experience affects as well. For example, the amount of the weight, the duration time of the load or the heart rate ranges and their variations. All of this depends on the training response, goals and methods to improve the skills, which are versatile depending especially with the sports genre.

The greatest benefits are usually achieved when training is optimally targeted in relation to one’s own development background, while respecting motivation and the body’s load capacity. Of course, along with that other activity, it should follow the different phases of the development stages quite closely. Therefore, it is not recommended to overload or progress too quickly, but training should be balanced with your strength level and technical ability. Actually It is very important to keep the goals in mind with every training session, but the response must be increased moderately, at the phases of the proper development.

Within the terms of general recovery, it is very important to consider the quality of food and its quantity in relation to the daily loads and consumptions. The effects of training must be evaluated separately according to the individual load level. The other recovery styles must be discussed with each client separately, as they are affected by so many factors that should be examined in more detail in personal coaching meetings.